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75008 Paris, France
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The Hemingway recession
In every market cycle comes a moment when investors, en masse, face a shocking revelation – when the improbable becomes unwelcome reality. Our fear is that we are fast approaching such a moment. Here, Economist Jamie Dannhauser discusses the fragility of today’s financial system, the likelihood of recession and the inability of central banks to remedy the inflation problem without significant cost for investors.
Whatever it breaks
Central bankers once again face their old foe – inflation. Investors expect inflation to drop sharply in 2023 and the monetary cavalry to arrive by the second half of the year. But might those hopes be misguided?
Annual Stewardship Report
Our 2022 report highlights the depth and breadth of our global stewardship activities. Our focus on direct engagement with company management has given us a fuller understanding of the companies our clients are invested in.
Blood on the tracks
April 2023: Today's policymakers face an impossible but unavoidable choice – they must send the train down one track or the other. Either they let inflation gather steam or they pull the proverbial lever and risk a financial system calamity. There is no third way.
The sequence counts
Underestimate sequencing risk at your peril. For portfolios with similar annualised returns but with cash flows in or out, the sequence of returns – when the gains and losses occur – can make a massive difference to final portfolio values.
Hemispheres of Influence
An epic bull market in magical thinking has dominated the world in recent years. Now, real world tectonic shifts are driving us into a more inflation-prone and volatile regime. But it’s our divided brains and their relationship with technology which may hold the key to navigating the risks and opportunities of this new era.
Something always breaks
April 2023: After a strong start to the year, markets were destabilised by a shift in liquidity dynamics in March. Central banks now face a reckoning. Their choice is simple – inflation stability or financial stability – but it isn’t easy.
Fifty shades of beige
How can we translate the unstructured data of the Federal Reserve’s Beige Book economic updates into a tool with predictive power? Use an eighteenth century statistical theorem, of course – a theorem which also prevented the early internet being buried under a mountain of spam.
Responsible Investment Report
This quarter’s Responsible Investment Report explains how companies setting high hurdle rates for projects can torpedo innovative solutions for problems such as climate change. We also detail our latest engagements with a wide assortment of companies around the world.
Investment Review
April 2023: Portfolios have been alert to the dangers of a liquidity crisis for some time. Now that it has arrived, our task is to analyse how events are likely to play out. Certainly, it doesn’t appear to be a repeat of 2008. It isn’t quite like 1929 either. Reaching for either of those investor playbooks would be a mistake. But, as Jonathan Ruffer notes in his latest quarterly review, past circumstances can be instructive.
Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
New York
Ruffer LLC
300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
Ruffer LLP
31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET