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The disorder of the phoenix
Clarence Hatry was a company promoter whose bankruptcy rattled markets just before the Great Crash of 1929. His punishment was swift and severe, but Hatry was resilient and ultimately found redemption – as a bookseller with a royal warrant.
Investment Review
July 2023: Our defensive positioning in anticipation of a liquidation event has hurt portfolio performance so far this year. In his latest quarterly review, Jonathan Ruffer recalls similar testing periods before past market crises and explains why we think the liquidation event has only been postponed, not cancelled.
Early and ready
July 2023: Investment Director Steve Russell reviews the downtrend in performance this year in the context of a global equity market rally.
Responsible Investment Report
Whilst we engage with companies year-round, voting season is generally concentrated in the second quarter of the year. We take a closer look at how we used our votes in Q2 to reinforce and complement our engagements with four companies across a broad range of sectors.
Is discretion the better part of valour?
June 2023: Whilst it’s been a tough start to the year for cautious investors, equity valuations – particularly in the US – suggest the rally could run out of steam, and cash now offers a tempting alternative. Moreover, with inflation stubbornly high, central bankers will be reluctant to intervene if markets encounter turbulence. Against this backdrop, we think caution is still justified.
Always a puzzle never a game
Tony Dye was CIO of one of the UK’s largest pension fund managers in the 1990s. Most people knew him for his value-driven investment approach and his warnings on the dot.com bubble. But I knew him as Dad. His experience taught me some key lessons which are every bit as valuable today – arguably more so.
Reality cheques
We explore the intersection of natural risk with geopolitics and financial markets. Natural risk comes in many guises, from pandemic at the acute end of the spectrum to long-term challenges from a changing climate at the other. All matter for investors.
The great wealth illusion
Harry Houdini was a master of deception who traded on the illusion of immortality – until his death in 1926. Today, financial markets are just as beguiled by the power of illusions. And there is one investors should pay particular attention to – the bezzle.
A few bad apples?
May 2023: Markets have breathed a sigh of relief as turmoil in the US banking sector appears to have been contained. But a string of bank failures may merely be a symptom of wider, more troubling dynamics at hand in financial markets. Economist Jamie Dannhauser discusses the fragility of the current investment landscape and explains why our conviction of an impending liquidation event in markets is growing stronger.
The Hemingway recession
In every market cycle comes a moment when investors, en masse, face a shocking revelation – when the improbable becomes unwelcome reality. Our fear is that we are fast approaching such a moment. Here, Economist Jamie Dannhauser discusses the fragility of today’s financial system, the likelihood of recession and the inability of central banks to remedy the inflation problem without significant cost for investors.
Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
New York
Ruffer LLC
300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
Ruffer LLP
31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET