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Regime change

Showing articles with the 'regime change' tag filter.
‘Washington, we have a problem’
July 2024: The cost of servicing US national debt is set to swallow an ever-greater share of the public purse over the coming years. To tackle the debt burden, governments are faced with an array of unpalatable choices – with higher inflation an increasingly likely side effect.
Things can only get better?
June 2024: A recovery in the relative fortunes of the UK stock market has been predicted many times before, but almost always based solely on valuation grounds. But are there additional catalysts that could take the UK market from laggard to leader?
Minds over matter
Whilst technology has transformed stock markets over the centuries, they are underpinned by human traits like fear and greed, which remain unaltered. But one key recent change has been to markets’ purpose, and this risks severe instability.
Rethinking portfolio construction
Fund Manager Alex Lennard and Lawrence Parker-Brown from The Inside Network discuss Ruffer’s outlook for markets and portfolio construction amid major regime change.
Inflation volatility demands investors think differently
The asset management industry has operated in a disinflationary world for 40 years – a world where capital takes the spoils. If labour is to become more dominant, what does that mean for asset allocation? Investment Manager Fiona Ker discusses inflation volatility with the Portfolio Construction Forum.
Career-ing into liquidation
The rapid demise of Silicon Valley Bank – the second-largest US bank failure in history – has caught markets by surprise. While we don’t expect a repeat of the 2008 global financial crisis, dismissing the broader risks to the financial system would be a mistake.
A case study in LGPS diversification
A case study written with the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham Pension Fund exploring the benefits of genuine diversification. Particularly in a new and volatile investment regime where it may be harder to achieve through traditional LGPS building blocks.
Crossing the Rubicon
Investors face one of the most complex market environments in history. Simultaneous shifts in the global energy system, geopolitics, demography, technology and much else besides promise a more inflation-prone and volatile world ahead. This brings with it elevated risks, but also potential rewards. Amidst all the uncertainty, this presentation will examine what investors can have conviction about.
Taking back control?
In the late 1970s, the world was on the cusp of radical change. The ‘Deflation Machine’ was being born. Deng Xiaoping began reforming China’s moribund economy. In the West, liberal, free-market ideals were gaining traction, ideals that underpinned the subsequent regime of rapid, disinflationary global growth.
Investment Review
April 2022: In his latest investment review, Jonathan Ruffer reflects upon how forty years of a bull market, where for decades ‘buying the dip’ has been a sure-fire idea, is clashing against circumstances and events which may break this benign and predictable investment pattern.
Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
New York
Ruffer LLC
300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
Ruffer LLP
31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET