All-weather investing

Seeking consistent positive returns.

Come rain or shine.

Ruffer provides investment management services for institutions, pension funds, charities, financial planners and individual investors.
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Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
New York
Ruffer LLC
300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
Ruffer LLP
31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET

Showing articles with the 'liquidity' tag filter.
Leaving the pack
July 2024: Investors are herding into a narrow market and propelling stocks to new highs. Fund Manager Jasmine Yeo joins Rory McIvor to explain why this is a market well worth insuring against.
Investment Review
July 2024: Recent portfolio performance has, understandably, provoked questions from our clients and investors. These are broadly the same questions we have been asking ourselves, chief among which is: why are we comfortable owning a portfolio that feels so uncomfortable to hold? Jonathan Ruffer’s quarterly investment review seeks to answer that question, laying out the reasons for our conviction in a portfolio which can protect and grow capital as the market turns.
Ugly ducklings
April 2024: Duncan MacInnes joins Rory McIvor to reflect on Q1 performance and discuss some of the portfolio’s key positions including gold and silver, derivative protections and the yen.
Out of sight, out of mind
April 2024: Markets today are very different to the pre-2008 era. But has systemic risk been removed or relocated?
Survival at 5?
January 2024: Can the economy and markets survive interest rates at 5%? Not for long, suggests fund manager Matt Smith – either interest rates must come down or asset prices do.
Rethinking portfolio construction
Fund Manager Alex Lennard and Lawrence Parker-Brown from The Inside Network discuss Ruffer’s outlook for markets and portfolio construction amid major regime change.
From the Chairman
October 2023: In this quarter’s episode of Ruffer Radio, Chairman Jonathan Ruffer shares his perspectives on the evolution of Ruffer’s all-weather investment approach since founding the firm in 1994.
Early and ready
July 2023: Investment Director Steve Russell reviews the downtrend in performance this year in the context of a global equity market rally.
Winning by not losing
Investment Manager Fiona Ker and James Dunn from The Inside Network discuss Ruffer’s outlook for markets in 2023 and beyond.
Career-ing into liquidation
The rapid demise of Silicon Valley Bank – the second-largest US bank failure in history – has caught markets by surprise. While we don’t expect a repeat of the 2008 global financial crisis, dismissing the broader risks to the financial system would be a mistake.
Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
New York
Ruffer LLC
300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
Ruffer LLP
31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET