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Seeking consistent positive returns.

Come rain or shine.

Ruffer provides investment management services for institutions, pension funds, charities, financial planners and individual investors.
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80 Victoria Street
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103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
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New York NY 10022
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31 Charlotte Square
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Investment Review
July 2024: Recent portfolio performance has, understandably, provoked questions from our clients and investors. These are broadly the same questions we have been asking ourselves, chief among which is: why are we comfortable owning a portfolio that feels so uncomfortable to hold? Jonathan Ruffer’s quarterly investment review seeks to answer that question, laying out the reasons for our conviction in a portfolio which can protect and grow capital as the market turns.
Investment Review
April 2024: Jonathan Ruffer discusses the stock market’s seemingly invincible summer. This has created distortions in both debt and equity markets, and with them, opportunities to benefit from a change in the season.
Investment Review
January 2024: After a difficult year for portfolio performance, Jonathan Ruffer looks ahead to a world which is curiously unfit for investment purpose, given the current condition of the equity market and the end of the decades-long bull market in bonds.
From the Chairman
October 2023: In this quarter’s episode of Ruffer Radio, Chairman Jonathan Ruffer shares his perspectives on the evolution of Ruffer’s all-weather investment approach since founding the firm in 1994.
Investment Review
October 2023: With our cautious positioning proving costly so far this year, Jonathan Ruffer considers why some offsetting assets have not performed as expected. He also explains why we remain confident that our portfolio is well positioned for the current tricky market environment.
Investment Review
July 2023: Our defensive positioning in anticipation of a liquidation event has hurt portfolio performance so far this year. In his latest quarterly review, Jonathan Ruffer recalls similar testing periods before past market crises and explains why we think the liquidation event has only been postponed, not cancelled.
Investment Review
April 2023: Portfolios have been alert to the dangers of a liquidity crisis for some time. Now that it has arrived, our task is to analyse how events are likely to play out. Certainly, it doesn’t appear to be a repeat of 2008. It isn’t quite like 1929 either. Reaching for either of those investor playbooks would be a mistake. But, as Jonathan Ruffer notes in his latest quarterly review, past circumstances can be instructive.
Investment Review
January 2023: To get a sense of where we’re going in the inflationary journey, it helps to understand where we came from. Jonathan Ruffer’s quarterly review explores the root causes of this new economic landscape. He discusses why, in a regime of inflation volatility, no one investment allocation will be enough to steer portfolios through treacherous market waters.
Investment Review
October 2022: In his latest quarterly review, Jonathan Ruffer reflects on the possibility of an imminent liquidity crisis in markets and looks at why even the safest assets might not prove very safe at all.
Investment Review
July 2022: Jonathan Ruffer explains why wage demands are the final element required to fuel the new inflationary epoch. This regime will be good for social mobility in the long run, with the workforce and innovators as the winners. But it might well be brutal for the investment community.
Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
New York
Ruffer LLC
300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
Ruffer LLP
31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET