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Investment Review
June 2020: This review touches briefly on what has gone before, then sets out what we expect for the coming months and years.
Investment Review
April 2020: When the elements speak, elemental forces are unleashed, and it is important, in the middle of this storm, to capture the right tone of voice.
Investment Review
January 2020: The year of 2019 was one when many of the six impossible things before breakfast remain unresolved – with the shining exception of Brexit, and the wider resolution of domestic politics.
Investment Review
October 2019: There’s a childhood game, whose name changes each generation – currently called Jenga. It starts as a wall of wooden bricks, and successive players remove individual pieces until the loser takes one out, and down falls the edifice.
Investment Review
July 2019: When the Governor of the Bank of England speaks, it is always worth listening to, and he is on to something when he writes about market liquidity; he is surely right to flag the dangers of the narrow exit doors in a crowded investment room.
Investment Review
April 2019: ‘Timing is everything’ runs the investment cliché – actually it’s not: being right is better. In any event, spare a thought for the writer of this investment review who has been told that it must be in final form by 27 March.
Investment Review
January 2019: “I thought you chaps at Ruffer said that you’d never lose money for me – what’s gone wrong?”
Investment Review
October 2018: The performance of the portfolios remains becalmed, but it is the unseen currents in the water which will prove more important in vindicating (or otherwise) the stance that we are taking.
Investment Review
July 2018: Our reviews tend to be big pictures or smaller snapshots; this is a ‘big one’, an explanation...
Investment Review
April 2018: The markets have lost their sense of invincibility, but it has not resulted in an up-quarter at Ruffer.
Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
New York
Ruffer LLC
300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
Ruffer LLP
31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET