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Ruffer provides investment management services for institutions, pension funds, charities, financial planners and individual investors.
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80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
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300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
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31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET

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Investment Review
July 2022: Jonathan Ruffer explains why wage demands are the final element required to fuel the new inflationary epoch. This regime will be good for social mobility in the long run, with the workforce and innovators as the winners. But it might well be brutal for the investment community.
Book review – Engage the Enemy More Closely
What's the difference between knowledge and wisdom? The answer is that these two elements need to fuse in a chemical reaction to produce an effective investment strategy – covet wisdom, and you have time on your side; covet knowledge, and you have facts on your side. It is, of course, the luck of the draw as to which one is the winner on Wednesday.
Investment Review
April 2022: In his latest investment review, Jonathan Ruffer reflects upon how forty years of a bull market, where for decades ‘buying the dip’ has been a sure-fire idea, is clashing against circumstances and events which may break this benign and predictable investment pattern.
Investment Review
January 2022: In his latest Investment Review, Jonathan Ruffer warns of the tide coming in for inflation, “brought about in a series of waves of increasing severity”. It is important to remember what happens on the shoreline as the tide comes in – hour on hour it advances along the coastline, but there are moments, between the waves, when the sea appears to retreat. So it will be with inflation: not a straight line, but plenty of volatility headed our way.
Investment Review
October 2021: Ruffer clients have become used to a particular pattern of returns from their portfolios. The pattern hinges on pivotal moments in financial markets, and we are approaching another. In his latest Investment Review, Jonathan Ruffer considers a world trapped by indebtedness and how events have conspired to close off the escape routes for investors.
Investment Review
July 2021: We have been talking of inflation for well over a decade – which is not the same thing as calling its timing. An impasse was created by the failure of the economy to grow after the 2008 crisis – all the risks (as we patiently explained) were deflationary, and in vain did the central banks and governments try to force an inflationary impulse into a sluggish world.
Investment Review
April 2021: Looking back over the past year and a bit, we feel a sense of relief Ruffer has performed well through another crisis – protecting clients from the initial covid turmoil, and making good money in the many weathers that have followed. Yet the markets remain our master – they will do what they do, when they do it: we must do our best in that context. And that context is about to change.
Investment Review
January 2021: A changing of the guard is also the way of the world – and on its way. We are preparing for a time when high taxes – on capital gains, wealth, and income – effectively constrain capital accumulation.
Investment Review
October 2020: Whatever one’s outlook, there have been times in 2020 when the markets seemed to echo one’s innermost thoughts, and times when we shout out like Falstaff, that the whole world has gone mad.
Investment Review
June 2020: This review touches briefly on what has gone before, then sets out what we expect for the coming months and years.
Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
New York
Ruffer LLC
300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
Ruffer LLP
31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET