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Come rain or shine.

Ruffer provides investment management services for institutions, pension funds, charities, financial planners and individual investors.
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75008 Paris, France
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Ruffer Radio

A series of podcasts exploring the investment universe and sharing our interpretation of what’s going on.

Winning by not losing – protection strategies
June 2022: Avoiding major drawdowns in markets is key to outperforming over the long-term. It may sound obvious, but in a world of near universal asset vulnerability, it has seldom been more important to stand resolute against falling markets.
Ruffer round up Q1 22
April 2022: We reflect on the events that have dominated markets - including the major developments we’re all talking about. We also discuss aspects which have received less attention, but may well be crucial for investors in the months ahead.
From reduction to removal
March 2022: Tim Kruger is the guest author in this year’s Ruffer Review. In this episode, we discuss his article which draws on his work in the field of carbon extraction and its role in the energy transition.
Ruffer round up Q4 21
January 2022: Investment Director Matt Smith looks ahead to 2022, we briefly review the investments which worked well (and those that didn’t) and assess the opportunities and challenges arising from the return of economic, market and inflation volatility.
Ruffer round up Q3 21
October 2021: A brief round up where we look at how recent events impacted markets and Ruffer portfolios, and what investors have learned as we move into the fourth quarter.
Inflation – great expectations
July 2021: Inflation is back, but for how long? Bertie Dannatt joins Ruffer Radio to discuss how markets are digesting the return of inflation, and what rising prices mean for consumers and investors alike.
Mind over matter?
April 2021: Andrew van Biljon and Lauren French offer their insights into the world of behavioural economics. What do these theories say about us as decision makers? What are their shortcomings? Can behavioural science make us better investors?
A bias to belief
February 2021: Bethany McLean joins us to discuss the tension between rational markets and emotional investors, what separates the visionary leader from the fraudster and how a bias to belief affects our decision-making.
A view from the bridge
January 2021: 2020 will loom large on financial markets for many years to come. As we cautiously make our way out of the crisis, Duncan MacInnes and Fiona Ker review the more startling developments of the last year.
Election 2020
October 2020: All elections are equal. But some elections are more equal than others. In the latest episode of Ruffer Radio, Dr Tim Smith and Alexander Chartres discuss the 2020 race to the White House.