All-weather investing

Seeking consistent positive returns.

Come rain or shine.

Ruffer provides investment management services for institutions, pension funds, charities, financial planners and individual investors.
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Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
New York
Ruffer LLC
300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
Ruffer LLP
31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET

Our aim?

To deliver consistent positive returns
– whatever happens in the financial markets.

Ruffer has been providing investment management services for institutions, pension funds, charities, financial planners and private clients, in the UK and internationally since 1994.

Our preoccupation is with not losing money, rather than charging headlong for growth. It’s by putting safety first that we have made good money for our clients. Through boom and bust. Successfully navigating three major market corrections – the dot.com bust, global financial crisis and covid-19.

In all we do, we seek to be responsible investors, integrating environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues into our investment process.

At a glance
We do One thing – investment management
The strategy  Global, multi-asset, absolute return
So far A 29 year track record, 8.1% net annualised returns*
Stewardship Environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues are integrated into our process
Investors £21.2 billion under management as at 30 June 2024. Private investor origins, now over 67% institutional investors.
Offices London, Edinburgh, Paris and Guernsey
Founded 1994
People Over 300 work at Ruffer as at 30 June 2024
Ownership Independent private partnership


* Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Regulatory performance disclosure

who to contact
Alex Lennard
Fund Manager
Joined Ruffer in 2006 after graduating from Exeter University with an honours degree in economics and finance. He is a member of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment. He initially worked as associate for Jonathan Ruffer and now manages institutional investment portfolios. He sits on the senior asset allocation committee and is co–manager of three of Ruffer’s flagship funds. He is also a Non-Executive Director of the JPMorgan European Investment Trust.
Piers Wheeler
Director – Global Institutional
Developing and executing asset management strategy for capital raising and strategic relationship management. Coverages includes EMEA, Asia and Australia. Piers joined Ruffer in 2021, having previously worked with asset management firms including Eastspring, AMP Capital and LEK as a strategic consultant. He holds a MA from the Bayes Business School and a BA (Hons) from the University of Oxford.
Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
New York
Ruffer LLC
300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
Ruffer LLP
31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET