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A grand plan for the land
After almost four decades working in financial markets, Harry Buscall retired from Ruffer in 2020 to embark on a new adventure with his son Dominic at his family farm, Ken Hill in Norfolk. Using a combination of rewilding, regenerative farming and traditional conservation practices, the team at Ken Hill have devised an innovative approach to sustainable land management. Rory McIvor caught up with Harry, to find out more about his approach to the UK’s land use conundrum.
DC pension schemes
Conventional strategies have served defined contribution (DC) pension scheme investors well for the past half century. But this year – as inflation has taken hold and policymakers scramble to contain it – the vulnerability of bonds and equities has been laid bare.
Mission possible
The extraordinary population growth over the past century has relied upon, and been enabled by, the birth of vast industrial farming systems. Food, on aggregate, is plentiful. Yet today, the dual issues of food security and sustainability loom as large as they have done in the post-industrial era. These megatrends present sources of both investment risk and opportunity.
Responsible Investment Report
In this quarter’s thought piece, Responsible Investment Manager Peter Lunt and Investment Director Harry Sevier explore the challenges involved with feeding a growing global population. They look at the risks and opportunities in the future of food security, and how these are reflected in Ruffer portfolios. We also include the usual update on our stewardship activities throughout the quarter.
Book review – Engage the Enemy More Closely
What's the difference between knowledge and wisdom? The answer is that these two elements need to fuse in a chemical reaction to produce an effective investment strategy – covet wisdom, and you have time on your side; covet knowledge, and you have facts on your side. It is, of course, the luck of the draw as to which one is the winner on Wednesday.
Winning by not losing – protection strategies
June 2022: Avoiding major drawdowns in markets is key to outperforming over the long-term. It may sound obvious, but in a world of near universal asset vulnerability, it has seldom been more important to stand resolute against falling markets.
Book review – The Profit Paradox
Jan Eeckhout is a research professor; fortunately, he doesn't write like one. Despite the serious subject matter of The Profit Paradox his style is engaging and conversational, and the book is light on its feet and commendably free of jargon.
La la land?
June 2022: Who’d be a central banker today? Once, they were the masters of the universe, bravely slaying the dragon of inflation and slashing interest rates to save the economy in times of peril. Today, they seem powerless to control inflation. Fearful of raising interest rates too far, they issue hollow calls for wage restraint. No wonder Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England, admitted to MPs recently that “It’s a very, very difficult place for us to be in.”
Short dreams, long reality
Economic conditions of the last few decades have supported a long ascent in the majority of asset prices. Investors must now confront conditions alien to most, potentially leading to a more painful descent. In this webinar, Ruffer’s economist, Jamie Dannhauser will explore the key dynamics of this changed economic landscape.
Book review – Invisible Women
Why are women in the United Kingdom 50% more likely to be misdiagnosed after a heart attack? Or 47% more likely to be seriously injured in road traffic accidents?
Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
New York
Ruffer LLC
300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
Ruffer LLP
31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET