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Case of the misplaced money
Portfolios are prepared for a potential liquidation event in asset markets, “a waterfall of the things that can be sold, as distinct from the ones that can’t.” This article from Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, speaking to Ruffer’s Chief Investment Officer Henry Maxey, explores these changing liquidity dynamics.
The Barber Boom
The story of an economic gear shift which sent post-war Britain careering around country lanes, before skidding on an oil slick and being sent ditchward. There it was left, engine smoking, entangled in the brambles of inflation. It wasn’t until 1980 that road-side recovery eventually arrived in the shape of Paul Volcker and his inflation curbing toolkit.
The last domino to fall?
September 2022: So far in 2022, the Bank of Japan (BoJ) has resolutely stuck to its policy of negative interest rates and yield curve control (YCC), despite the dramatic hawkish shift from the US Federal Reserve (the Fed) and, more recently, the yen’s nosedive. Might the BoJ be about to change course?
Book review – Masons, tricksters and cartographers
Masons, Tricksters and Cartographers is about the sociology of science and the ‘unplanned and messy’ nature of knowledge and knowledge systems. Turnbull explores, in rather turgid prose, differing ways of producing knowledge across cultures. From a diversity of disparate systems, he finds figures that crop up time and again.
Deserting discs
“I don’t even know why I would want to be on a label in a few years, because I don’t think it’s going to work by labels and by the distribution systems in the same way... music itself is going to become like running water or electricity” David Bowie, 2002
The return of something to lose for pension asset allocators
Investor behaviour is both instinctive and learned. Low interest rates have taught investors to allocate to ever-riskier assets in the pursuit of returns. The cost of doing so, in the form of low or negative 'risk-free' rates, was minimal. But with rising interest rates, the risk-free rate now carries value - investor behaviour may be forced to change once again.
The art of bubble spotting
Anyone can be taken in by financial bubbles; that's why they're so dangerous.
Thinking in narratives
Stories have always influenced human behaviour: our decision-making is often driven more by a good tale than objective facts and data. But stories can defy reality only for so long.
The Great Restoration
Humanity has the capacity to cure climate change – the question is not so much “can we?” as “will we?” Guest author Tim Kruger may have an answer.
Book review – Trillion Dollar Coach
The future of information technology is beyond the comprehension of most. And competition between the companies who want to shape it is fiercer than ever.
Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
New York
Ruffer LLC
300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
Ruffer LLP
31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET