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80 Victoria Street
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103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
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31 Charlotte Square
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Investment Review
January 2022: In his latest Investment Review, Jonathan Ruffer warns of the tide coming in for inflation, “brought about in a series of waves of increasing severity”. It is important to remember what happens on the shoreline as the tide comes in – hour on hour it advances along the coastline, but there are moments, between the waves, when the sea appears to retreat. So it will be with inflation: not a straight line, but plenty of volatility headed our way.
A Ruffer Christmas Scrooge?
December 2021: At Ruffer we’re used to being accused of seeing the glass ‘half empty’ rather than ‘half full’. It’s not that we’re inherently pessimistic, but our job is to protect our investors’ capital against whatever might go wrong in markets. So naturally we tend to focus more on the risks than the opportunities. Or as Jonathan Ruffer might put it – to see the mousetrap clearer than the cheese.
Book review – Into Thin Air
Thinking beyond the summit. There are plenty of excellent books about investing. But sometimes the best advice can be found in unlikely places.
Not all inflationistas wear flares
November 2021: Investors have divided into two camps. Those who believe inflation will subside and the rise in prices will prove temporary. And others who fear we are entering a period of high sustained inflation reminiscent of the 1970s. We consider both scenarios unlikely.
Demise of the deflation machine
The global economy has been inherently disinflationary since at least the early 1990s. The result: a generation of investors who have never had to take inflation risk seriously.
Re-imagining the art of portfolio construction
November 2021: They say it takes 66 days to make a habit, and just a minute to break it. Most investors have been constructing portfolios the same way for 10, 20 or 30 years – building the habit of a lifetime. But a new market regime demands a change to the art of portfolio construction.
Equities: a false sense of security
For the current generation of investors, equity markets have been remarkably happy hunting grounds. There have been crashes, bangs and wallops in recent years but, so far, central banks have ensured any pain was short-lived. As interest rates have fallen, investors have chased stocks up the page and global equity markets are now more highly valued than ever.
Ruffer round up Q3 21
October 2021: A brief round up where we look at how recent events impacted markets and Ruffer portfolios, and what investors have learned as we move into the fourth quarter.
Investment Review
October 2021: Ruffer clients have become used to a particular pattern of returns from their portfolios. The pattern hinges on pivotal moments in financial markets, and we are approaching another. In his latest Investment Review, Jonathan Ruffer considers a world trapped by indebtedness and how events have conspired to close off the escape routes for investors.
Responsible Investment Report
In our latest quarterly report, Investment Associate Sophie Jamieson looks at one part of the energy transition story which is often overlooked – batteries. Specifically, we look at the merits of shifting from lithium-ion to sodium-ion technology. Elsewhere, we share details of our stewardship and engagement activities during the third quarter of 2021.
Ruffer LLP
80 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5JL
Ruffer S.A.
103 boulevard Haussmann
75008 Paris, France
New York
Ruffer LLC
300 Park Avenue
New York NY 10022
Ruffer LLP
31 Charlotte Square
Edinburgh EH2 4ET